
REVIEW | April Skin Magic Snow Cushion SPF 50 PA +++

6/17/2016 05:27:00 PM
I'm telling you. This is the best/awesome cushion thingy i've tried so far. like OMG you seriously have to try this. i swear you'll like it too. i bought this from Hermo. everyone know how much i like Makeup. Hermo has been my favorite online shop so far. bahahaa. i like the case. All black. Drama. i'm wearing code No. 23 what will...



PERSONAL | #Quotes of the day?

6/10/2016 12:15:00 PM
i want to be the woman my husband is thankful for and the one my daughter proud to call "Mama" i love my family. doakan ade rezeki menambah bilangan ^^ ...



BEAUTY | I was never a Lipstick Freak. kan?

6/09/2016 11:25:00 AM
Looking at my lipstick collection. never thought i will collect all of these in just 2 or 3 months. entah kenapa nak mengumpul lipstick pulak. kihkih hasil kesan buat 10 days lipstick challenge la ni. shopping sangat only few yang memang jarang pakai because of the color and glossy. lia prefer something matte/creamy texture. ada beli 1 glossy. sweet pink from missha. selamat...



REVIEW | Peripera Peri's Ink Moist Mini Mini Set - Special Edition

6/03/2016 09:30:00 AM
So. Kakak ask me what i wish to have on my birthday. soalan paling mencabar since lia rasa awkward nak mintak hadiah. nanti mintak kereta laptop handphone macam mana. selalu mintak papa je. the same question husband ask me. anyway. kakak bagi duit poket. saya beli ini. Peripera Peri's Ink Moist Mini Mini Set it's a special edition says. look how cute this...



REVIEW | LifeBuuk your real photobook

6/01/2016 05:10:00 PM
*gambar ikhsan en google. TQ* have you heard of this apps? well thanks to facebook sbb rajin promote this at their sponsored post. sampai lia terjebak nak cuba this apps. reason? sebab we can upload all our photos from phones lepas tu jadikan album. senang sebab ambil gambar now semua guna handphone je. mestilah nak cuba. since my auni lahir tak pernah pn...



PERSONAL | Happy 3rd Anniversary

5/31/2016 12:21:00 PM
Happy 3rd Anniversary Husband. we still have forever to go. i love you. #faridfareesya #3rdanniversary ...



HEALTH | Putrajaya Milo Breakfast Day 2016

5/31/2016 10:55:00 AM
Acara Tahunan. tak kisah lah #milobreakfastday ke #tmfanrun ke. tiap kali mendekati Anniversary, mesti kami akan join event macam nih. pssst :- setahun hanya sekali. macam raya je :) last time when we brought auni, she's 1 year. baru dapat kaki.  tapi sebab mengantuk, kami bawak stroller so that she can sleep. tapi this year. dia bangun awal pukul 5 pagi. alamak. cukup...



PERSONAL | The #child I love

5/31/2016 10:26:00 AM
#two years has/have passed since she were born i end up crying looking at her pictures cepat sangat masa berlalu. dari auni kecil tak pernah lagi buat album gambar dia. suddenly rasa takut sangat i'll end up hilang semua gambar dia. *sebab diri sendiri tak banyak gambar masa kecil* luckily found this #lifebuuk apps You can easily create a trendy photobook with LifeBuuk...


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