
BEAUTY | I was never a Lipstick Freak. kan?

6/09/2016 11:25:00 AM

Looking at my lipstick collection.
never thought i will collect all of these in just 2 or 3 months.
entah kenapa nak mengumpul lipstick pulak. kihkih
hasil kesan buat 10 days lipstick challenge la ni. shopping sangat

only few yang memang jarang pakai because of the color and glossy.
lia prefer something matte/creamy texture.

ada beli 1 glossy. sweet pink from missha. selamat bagi kakak.
because i wont be wearing it. ok jom mulakan.

*all my lippy. tadaaaa!~*

lia list kan ape lipstick yang lia simpan. huhu

  1. Innisfree Eco Fruit Tint - Cherry
  2. Too Cool For School Milk Tint - Pink
  3. Too Cool For School Milk Tint - Orange
  4. Revlon Super Lustrous - Fire Red
  5. Mac Lipstick Pro Longwear Lipcreme - Unlimited *Gift from Stepmommy*
  6. Sephora Rouge R02
  7. Nature Republic Creamy Lipstick - Pink Fuschia *Gift from Husband*
  8. NYX Soft Matte Lip Creme - Monte Carlo
  9. NYX Soft Matte Lip Creme - San Paolo
  10. NYX Soft Matte Lip Creme - Amsterdam
  11. NYX Soft Matte Lip Creme - Ibiza
  12. NYX Soft Matte Lip Creme - Prague
  13. Missha Poptastic Jelly Tint - Coral Pink
  14. Missha Poptastic Jelly Tint - Sweet Pink
  15. Missha Poptastic Jelly Tint - Maple Latte
  16. Silkygirl Matte Junkie - Vintage
  17. The Face Shop Ink Lipquid - Rose
  18. Sephora Infusion The Neutrals
  19. Sephora Infusion Red
  20. Sephora Lipgloss *Gift from Sephora*
  21. Stila Lipglaze - Kitten *Gift from sister*
  22. Maybelline Lip Gradation - Fuschia
  23. Maybelline Lip Gradation - Mauve
  24. Elianto Brilliant Riche Lip colour - Groovy
that's all of it.

kebanyakan lipstick ni memang best seller so dah ramai yang buat swatches, tutorial, review etc.
i wish to review. tapi tak reti bahasa beauty macam some bloggers buat. 
so kalau ada sumur diladang
umur panjang
ada masa review.

tq :)

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